Great Parks Build Great Communities

Meadowbrook Park Playground Giving Project

The Urbana Park District and Urbana Parks Foundation are raising funds to build the most ambitious and inclusive playground in UPD history.

The Urbana Parks Foundation

Nature when you need it

Nature When You Need It

Wet shoes, dirty jeans and a memory of pond dipping with his classmates in Busey Woods. A student learned a few of the benefits of exploring the natural world on a school tour offered by the Anita Purves Nature Center. Today as a volunteer, he’s leading those tours.

A grass-stained jersey, first goal scored and ear-to-ear smile were the results for one young girl after a Saturday soccer game led by her volunteer coach. A few years later, teamwork and giving her best have become routine and part of her work ethic as a high school soccer player.

The Urbana Park District offers indoor and outdoor recreation for all ages. The opportunities it provides lead to lifelong healthy habits, hobbies, interests and friendships, letting everyone experience something fun, new, rewarding, memorable, meaningful. You probably have your own memories from a park, perhaps a deer seen in Meadowbrook or vibrant wildflowers in Busey Woods.

Have you ever wondered what it has taken for the wonderful Urbana park system to become what it is today?

Urbana Park Playground

Supporting Urbana’s Park Systems

Nature, people, and community health

Tax dollars are the bedrock of support on which the Park District is built, but Urbana’s parks are the important community asset they are because of significant support received from other sources. That’s where the Urbana Parks Foundation (UPF) comes in. It was established to help meet the growing need for supplemental support by raising funds for district activities.

The UPF seeks donations from people and organizations who appreciate the value of parks or programs not just for their immediate esthetic or environmental value, but for the impact they have on future generations.

Urbana Parks are a Resource for Everyone.

Whether you live in Urbana or a surrounding community, make a positive impact on Urbana‘s parks now and in the future by donating today.

Latest News

Five Ways to Support Urbana Parks All Year Round

Five Ways to Support Urbana Parks All Year Round

Great parks build great communities, and we can’t do it without people like you! Supporting your Urbana Parks is easy, and we share five ways you can get involved right now in this month’s blog post.

The Wellness Wheel

The Wellness Wheel

What comes to mind when you think of wellness? We often think of a mind-body connection: exercise, rest, meditation, and types of self-care that help reduce stress and promote a feeling of peace and harmony. There are even more paths to achieve a sense of well-being than we might immediately identify, however. In this month’s blog we explore the Urbana Park District’s inclusive Wellness Wheel, and some of their recent and upcoming programs that provide opportunities for everyone to reach their wellness goals.

Urbana Park District Summer Camp Review

Urbana Park District Summer Camp Review

As the weather warms up and the end of the school year inches closer, our thoughts inevitably turn to summer. This time is NOW to sign up for Urbana Park District’s Summer Camps. In this month’s blog post we explore the upcoming camps and share more details on how to get registered.

Stay at Home Spring Break: Spend the Week in Urbana Parks

Stay at Home Spring Break: Spend the Week in Urbana Parks

For those who feel uneasy about travel this spring, you can find plenty of adventure in your Urbana parks for a fun-filled Spring Break. In this month’s blog, we look at some fun ways to enjoy the parks with the kids during your week off.

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